Saturday, September 26, 2009

Padus Discjuggler Says I Need To Reboot My System

CIBCH ribatte (Italian)

Signor George Jaksch, nella Sua lettera

Lei lists come "completely deprive voci di Fondamento" le pubbliche e dalle effettuate denunce ripetute organizzazioni anti-staging a coup in Honduras. As Luciana Luciani of Chiquita-Italy had the apostrophe as "ridiculous." The words read

fly-unfortunately-although the facts remain. And in a convergent and unequivocally indicate that the Chiquita, true to his dull historical tradition, has always been hands-on in the internal affairs of Honduras.

The increase in the minimum wage by 60%, decreed by the ousted President Zelaya, has exposed the belligerent hostility of Chiquita, who made a square with the main organization of Honduras (COEHP). The destabilization of the democratic system has been opened and militant, the deportation until President chosen by the voters.

When President Zelaya has been arrested and deported, the same COHEP the June 29 issued a statement on the work of apologetic coup, where the victim previously and cynically made responsible for the actions of the executioners liberticide Honduran democracy.

NIKE and other large multinationals operating in the Central American country signed a statement addressed to the U.S. Department of State, in which he expressed concern over the violent interruption of constitutional order, and distance itself from the coup. Chiquita was not among the signatories of that document, why?

Even today, when with the suspension of constitutional guarantees and the drastic restriction of individual rights and social, Honduras is a full-fledged state-delinquent, Chiquita persevere on the same route.

The company you represent has changed many times his personal characteristics in an attempt to leave behind a dark past. We do not want a rosary painful rage recalling that attracted the attention of poets and writers, including Pablo Neruda, Juan Gelman, and Gabriel García Márquez. Mr George

Jacksh, taken advantage of his availability and we ask if it is true that a U.S. court ordered the Chiquita for having financed the clandestine organization extreme right called "Autodefensas Unidas de Colombia (AUC). Not a half century ago, but when it was already renamed Chiquita.

The corporate social responsibility and ethics in business, by definition, must go beyond compliance with national laws and international agreements that are simply a minimum standard of operating, not as a goal reached by propaganda. On your corporate website it even says that Chiquita "over a hundred years is committed to improving the communities where it does business," the fact that there seems at least questionable. What community do you refer? At exactly which groups and interests?

Proprio in Honduras negli ultimi anni sono continuate le denunce dei sindacati (SITRATERCO e COLSIBA) e delle ONG (BananaLink) per le violazioni di Chiquita ai diritti umani e lavorativi dei propri dipendenti come nel caso di Emelina Vásquez, molestata sessualmente da un superiore e in seguito licenziata.

Altri sindacati di settore dell’Honduras, come COSIBAH, informano che i loro membri che hanno contestato l’uso del pesticida basato sul chlorphirifos sono stati oggetto di mobbing e la compagnia ha cercato di estrometterli dalle piantagioni.

L’etica d’impresa significa a volte prendere posizione su temi riguardanti la sicurezza dei cittadini, dei lavoratori, della democrazia, dell’intorno social and political, not only the company's assets and earnings: Chiquita's position with respect to the coup of June 28 it seems clear.

You say that you have subscribed to all national and international conferences that code of good conduct and morality business.

not have to convince us, but social forces and their leaders-that only a few weeks ago - they maintained that behind the gallows Micheletti and the club were business representatives of the general national and international

"Miguel Facussé , Antonio Tavel Otero, Adolfo Facussé, Carlos Flores Facussé, Jorge Larach Canahuaty, Camilo Atala, Jorge Faraj, Rafael Ferrari, Chucry Kafie, family Kafati, United Brands (Chiquita Banana) .

is from Honduras, which accuses the multinational company that represents and defends you. Are the next leaders of the resurgent Central American nation that you should try to convince. Not us, that we accompany them in the defense of fairness and greater social harmony.

In Latin America blows a wind of renewal that is sweeping the historical legacy of the departed. It would be wise to adapt to this new reality and to ensure that the wind can turn into a storm.

Comité Internacional por el boycott Chiquita


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