Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Bible Quotes On Communication

Chiquita Chiquita

Returning to the National Front appeal against the coup in Honduras in the sense of rejecting and boycotting companies know that they have financed the coup, we ask all your support to carry out a worldwide boycott INDEFINITE against the banana company Chiquita that, behind the scenes, is supporting the coup.

How to join the initiative:
1) Do not buy Chiquita;
2) Spread the boycott from their friends, relatives and acquaintances;
3) Print on stickers, t-shirts, posters, flyers logo boycott in their respective languages \u200b\u200b
4) Post the link in this blog in the relevant web sites;
5) Enter the matrix page Chiquita in Cincinnati, OH (USA)

and send the following message:

Monday, September 28, 2009

Woman In The Glory Hole

risponde (Italian)

Anversa, 23 settembre 2009
Alla ca
International Committee for Boycotting Chiquita

Gentili Signori, Vi Scrivo in

pubblicato all'articolo risposta www.boicottchiquita.blogspot.com entries showing up - totally unfounded - about the role of Chiquita in the recent political upheavals in Honduras. I want to be clear and direct: Chiquita had no role in these events.

Respect for local laws, institutions and communities is the foundation of our social responsibility policy. It is an essential part of our commitment to the highest standards in the legal, ethical, environmental and social issues. I can assure you that we intend to honor this commitment to fully and consistently, and we followed this principle in connection with the recent political conflicts in Honduras. During

the last two months, we have been in close contact with our employees in Honduras, with the leaders of the local union IUF SITRATERCO and from whom we have clarified our policy of non-intervention in local political disputes.

Chiquita was the first multinational - still the only American - to have signed a framework agreement in 2001 with IUF (International Union of Foodworkers) and COLSIBA (Coordinadora de Bananeros Unions), which guarantees to all employees on the plantations banana compliance with international agreements' ILO. Since 2004, moreover, all divisions of agricultural property in Latin America are certified to SA8000, the voluntary standard reference work on if based che sulle convenzioni dell'ILO (International Labor Organization), the Dichiarazione Universale dei Diritti dell'Uomo e la Dichiarazione delle Nazioni Unite sui Diritti of Fanciullo. Non

per qualsiasi contattarci esitate to further chiarimento. Saluti Cordiali

George Jaksch
Senior Director Corporate Responsibility and Public Affairs Chiquita Brands International

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Difference Between Cm And Sperm

answers Chiquita (Spanish)

Anversa, to September 23, 2009

the attention of the International Committee for Boycotting Chiquita

Dear Sirs:

I am writing in response to the article published in www.boicotchiquita.blogspot.com citing rumors - totally without foundation - on Chiquita's role in the recent political unrest in Honduras. me be clear and direct: Chiquita has had no role in these events.

Respect for local laws, the institutions and communities is the foundation of our social responsibility policy. Is an essential part of our commitment to applying the highest standards of legal, ethical, environmental and social. I can assure you that we intend to have full faith and consistent with this commitment, we have followed this line of principle also on the occasion of the recent political conflicts in Honduras.

Durante los últimos dos meses hemos estado en estrecho contacto con nuestros empleados en Honduras, con los vértices del sindicato local SITRATERCO y con IUF, con los cuales hemos aclarado nuestra política de no intervención en las locales disputas políticas.

Chiquita ha sido la primera multinacional – hasta ahora la única estadounidense – que suscribió en 2001 un acuerdo cuadro con IUF (International Union of Foodworkers) e con COLSIBA (Coordinadora de Sindicatos Bananeros), que garantiza a todos los trabajadores en las plantaciones de plátano el respeto de las Convenciones Internacionales del ILO. Asimismo, desde 2004, todas las divisiones agrícolas de propriedad en América Latina have been certified to SA8000, the standard reference for volunteer work, which is based on the conventions of the ILO (International Labor Organization), the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Children.

Please contact us for any further clarifications.

Sincerely, George Jaksch

Senior Director Corporate Responsibility and Public Affairs Chiquita Brands International

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Padus Discjuggler Says I Need To Reboot My System

CIBCH ribatte (Italian)

Signor George Jaksch, nella Sua lettera

Lei lists come "completely deprive voci di Fondamento" le pubbliche e dalle effettuate denunce ripetute organizzazioni anti-staging a coup in Honduras. As Luciana Luciani of Chiquita-Italy had the apostrophe as "ridiculous." The words read

fly-unfortunately-although the facts remain. And in a convergent and unequivocally indicate that the Chiquita, true to his dull historical tradition, has always been hands-on in the internal affairs of Honduras.

The increase in the minimum wage by 60%, decreed by the ousted President Zelaya, has exposed the belligerent hostility of Chiquita, who made a square with the main organization of Honduras (COEHP). The destabilization of the democratic system has been opened and militant, the deportation until President chosen by the voters.

When President Zelaya has been arrested and deported, the same COHEP the June 29 issued a statement on the work of apologetic coup, where the victim previously and cynically made responsible for the actions of the executioners liberticide Honduran democracy.

NIKE and other large multinationals operating in the Central American country signed a statement addressed to the U.S. Department of State, in which he expressed concern over the violent interruption of constitutional order, and distance itself from the coup. Chiquita was not among the signatories of that document, why?

Even today, when with the suspension of constitutional guarantees and the drastic restriction of individual rights and social, Honduras is a full-fledged state-delinquent, Chiquita persevere on the same route.

The company you represent has changed many times his personal characteristics in an attempt to leave behind a dark past. We do not want a rosary painful rage recalling that attracted the attention of poets and writers, including Pablo Neruda, Juan Gelman, and Gabriel García Márquez. Mr George

Jacksh, taken advantage of his availability and we ask if it is true that a U.S. court ordered the Chiquita for having financed the clandestine organization extreme right called "Autodefensas Unidas de Colombia (AUC). Not a half century ago, but when it was already renamed Chiquita.

The corporate social responsibility and ethics in business, by definition, must go beyond compliance with national laws and international agreements that are simply a minimum standard of operating, not as a goal reached by propaganda. On your corporate website it even says that Chiquita "over a hundred years is committed to improving the communities where it does business," the fact that there seems at least questionable. What community do you refer? At exactly which groups and interests?

Proprio in Honduras negli ultimi anni sono continuate le denunce dei sindacati (SITRATERCO e COLSIBA) e delle ONG (BananaLink) per le violazioni di Chiquita ai diritti umani e lavorativi dei propri dipendenti come nel caso di Emelina Vásquez, molestata sessualmente da un superiore e in seguito licenziata.

Altri sindacati di settore dell’Honduras, come COSIBAH, informano che i loro membri che hanno contestato l’uso del pesticida basato sul chlorphirifos sono stati oggetto di mobbing e la compagnia ha cercato di estrometterli dalle piantagioni.

L’etica d’impresa significa a volte prendere posizione su temi riguardanti la sicurezza dei cittadini, dei lavoratori, della democrazia, dell’intorno social and political, not only the company's assets and earnings: Chiquita's position with respect to the coup of June 28 it seems clear.

You say that you have subscribed to all national and international conferences that code of good conduct and morality business.

not have to convince us, but social forces and their leaders-that only a few weeks ago - they maintained that behind the gallows Micheletti and the club were business representatives of the general national and international

"Miguel Facussé , Antonio Tavel Otero, Adolfo Facussé, Carlos Flores Facussé, Jorge Larach Canahuaty, Camilo Atala, Jorge Faraj, Rafael Ferrari, Chucry Kafie, family Kafati, United Brands (Chiquita Banana) .

is from Honduras, which accuses the multinational company that represents and defends you. Are the next leaders of the resurgent Central American nation that you should try to convince. Not us, that we accompany them in the defense of fairness and greater social harmony.

In Latin America blows a wind of renewal that is sweeping the historical legacy of the departed. It would be wise to adapt to this new reality and to ensure that the wind can turn into a storm.

Comité Internacional por el boycott Chiquita

Friday, September 25, 2009

Pittsburgh Storage Unit Auction

CIBCH answer (Spanish)

Lord George Jaksch,

in your letter you define as "totally unfounded rumors" the repeated public complaints against the coup undertaken by organizations in Honduras. And Luciana Luciani of Chiquita-Italy had characterized as "ridiculous."

light words fly while, unfortunately, the facts remain. E indicate convergent and unambiguous so that Chiquita, true to its historical tradition opaque, always has handed in the internal affairs of Honduras.

The minimum wage increase of 60%, decreed by the deposed President Zelaya, brought to light the belligerent hostility Chiquita they closed ranks with the employers of Honduras (COEHP). The destabilization of the democratic system has been open and militant, until the deportation of President chosen by the voters.

When President Zelaya was kidnapped and deported, that same June 29 issued a statement COHEP apologetic over the actions of the coup, where preventive and cynically blamed the victim for draconian actions of carnífices of Honduran democracy.

NIKE and other large multinationals operating in Central American countries signed a statement addressed to the U.S. State Department, which expressed concern by the violent interruption of constitutional order, and took away from the coup. Chiquita was not among the signatories of this document, why?

To date, when the suspension of constitutional guarantees and the drastic restriction of individual rights and social, Honduras turns out to be a true state-offender, Chiquita continues in the same way.
The company you represent has changed several times their personal traits in the attempt to leave behind a dark past. We do not want a rosary painful wroth reminding that caught the attention of poets and writers such as Pablo Neruda, Juan Gelman and Gabriel García Márquez. Lord George Jacksh

, we take their availability and asked if it is true that a U.S. court ordered Chiquita for funding the right-wing underground organization called "Defense Forces of Colombia (AUC). Not in the middle of last century, but after renamed as Chiquita.

The corporate social responsibility and ethics in business management, by definition, must go beyond compliance with national laws and international agreements, which represent a minimum standard operating just beginning and not an objective reached that proclamation. In its institutional site to Chiquita said that "for over a hundred years is committed to improving the communities where we do business", a fact that seems at least debatable. Which communities do you mean? What exactly which groups and interests?

Right in Honduras in recent years followed complaints from trade unions (SITRATERCO and COLSIBA) and NGO's (Bananalink) for violations of Chiquita to human and labor rights of employees, as in the case of Emelina Vasquez , sexually harassed by a supervisor and subsequently fired.

Other unions in the sector of Honduras, as COSIBAH report that its members who answered the pesticide use chlorphirifos based have been mobbing and the company tried to expel them from the plantations.

Business ethics means sometimes taking a stand on issues that concern the safety of citizens, workers, democracy, social and political environment and not just the business assets and profits: Chiquita's position before the coup of June 28 it seems clear.
You say you signed all international conventions and national code of good conduct and business morality.

should not convince us, but social forces and their leaders that "only a few weeks ago- repeated that after the rough-club Micheletti and generals were the exponents of national and international entrepreneurship:

"Miguel Facussé, Antonio Tavel Otero, Adolfo Facussé, Carlos Flores, Jorge Canahuaty Larach, Camilo Atala, Jorge Faraj, Rafael Ferrari , Chucry Kafie, family Kafati, United Brand (Chiquita Banana) . "

is from the interior of Honduras where they put in charge of the multinational that you represent and defend. Are the next leaders of the resurgent American nation who should try to convince. Not to us, that accompany them in the defense of equity and greater harmony social. In Latin America

wind blows a renewal that is sweeping historical legacies of the past. It would be wise to adapt to this new reality and prevent the wind can become a storm.

International Committee for Boycotting Chiquita

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

драйвер Jvc Gz-ms 120 Ber.

Gorilla scared

The corrupt deputy minister of foreign affairs gorilla government has come to pass information to the Honduran army would attack the Brazilian Embassy in Tegucigalpa denying the fact .

diplomatic response is not a de facto regime, but the fear that Brazil will convene the Security Council of the United Nations to address the issue that could be concluded to intervene militarily to Honduras. No doubt the American extreme right remains well informed about the possible Honduran gorillas acts of the U.S. administration about the conflict. Minutes before the news in the international media reacted Honduran law enforcement bodies in a hurry.

What is clear is that there is division among their ranks. There are entrepreneurs, less committed to the coup, seeking a diplomatic solution to the conflict but the hard group, which has the most responsibility for the violation of the constitutional order and human rights, is holding with the claws of military power to get to November with the hope that such a fact, that they qualify as democratic, save them from the convictions of the international criminal tribunals. They know it's a matter of time and it is running out for them .. They know that sooner or later be in the dock for crimes that do not prescribe.

names are the same: Miguel Facussé, Antonio Tavel Otero, Adolfo Facussé, Carlos Flores, Jorge Canahuaty Larach, Camilo Atala, Jorge Faraj, Rafael Ferrari, Chucry Kafie, family Kafati, United Brand (Chiquita Banana) . Politicians become businessmen and Rafael Leonardo Callejas, Pepe Lobo, Roberto Micheletti, and supporters from the ideological stand where Oscar Andrés Rodríguez, Evelio Reyes and the gang employed language.

National Front Against the Coup in Honduras